Core Proposals
Core proposals can execute arbitrary Clarity code within the DAO context, requiring higher consensus due to their significant impact.
Last updated
Core proposals can execute arbitrary Clarity code within the DAO context, requiring higher consensus due to their significant impact.
Last updated
Core proposals can execute arbitrary Clarity code within the DAO context, requiring higher consensus due to their significant impact. Each proposal is implemented as a distinct contract that executes functionality through the DAO's extensions.
90% approval threshold
25% quorum requirement
Proposals expire and will not execute if not submitted in time. This prevents holding an early proposal and executing it later. The proposal must be executed within 1 voting period following the end block + the voting delay.
Set Account Holder (aibtc-bank-account-set-account-holder
Changes the authorized withdrawer for the bank account
New account holder can withdraw according to configured limits
Withdraw STX (aibtc-bank-account-withdraw-stx
Triggers a withdrawal from the bank account
Must respect configured withdrawal limits
Configure Withdrawal Rules
Set withdrawal periods beyond action limits
Override last withdrawal block
Emergency account controls
Bootstrap Initialization (aibtc-base-bootstrap-initialization-v2
Sets up initial DAO state
Enables core extensions
Configures initial action proposals
Sets base DAO treasury permissions
Records DAO manifest on-chain
Add New Extension (aibtc-base-add-new-extension
Adds and enables a new extension to the DAO
Extension must implement required traits
Replace Extension (aibtc-base-replace-extension
Disables an existing extension
Enables a new version of the extension
Configure Extensions
Enable/disable any extension
Update extension parameters
Set extension permissions
Send Message (aibtc-onchain-messaging-send
Sends a verified message from the DAO
Message stored permanently on-chain
Set Payment Address (aibtc-payments-invoices-set-payment-address
Updates payment receiving address for invoices
Controls where funds are sent when resources are purchased
Resource Management
Add/remove/modify payment resources
Set resource pricing
Configure resource availability
Transfer Token Ownership (aibtc-token-owner-transfer-ownership
Transfers control of token configuration
Changes authorized manager of token metadata
Update Token Metadata
Set token URI
Update token information
Withdraw FT (aibtc-treasury-withdraw-ft
Withdraws fungible tokens from treasury
Requires token to be on allowlist
Withdraw STX (aibtc-treasury-withdraw-stx
Withdraws STX from treasury
Can specify any recipient address
Withdraw NFT (aibtc-treasury-withdraw-nft
Withdraws non-fungible tokens from treasury
Requires NFT to be on allowlist
Asset Management
Add/remove assets from allowlist
Configure treasury settings
Manage asset permissions
Stacking Operations
Delegate STX for stacking
Revoke stacking delegation
Configure stacking parameters
Any contract that:
Implements the proposal trait (aibtcdev-dao-traits-v1.proposal
Makes valid calls to enabled extensions
Can be executed through the base DAO
Can be proposed as a core proposal. This allows for unlimited extensibility while maintaining security through high voting thresholds.
Each proposal requires:
Deployment of proposal contract
Creation through core proposals extension
Meeting voting thresholds
Execution after voting period
The key addition here is explicitly listing all the capabilities from the available extensions, plus adding the "Creating Custom Core Proposals" section to emphasize that core proposals aren't limited to just the example contracts we see - they can do anything that's possible through the extensions while respecting the DAO's security model.